Baby care essentials are crucial when it comes to taking care of your newborn. You’ll need plenty of supplies, including diapers, burp cloths, and baby bottles. Fortunately, we’ve compiled everything you need in one spot to help you navigate the world of baby essentials so you can keep your baby happy and healthy while staying on budget. Check out our list of the 10 essential baby care items every new parent needs to know!


1 – Diapers

Diapers are, of course, a necessity for any baby. A package of newborn-size diapers will last you about 2-3 days before you need to get more. Plus, they’re so adorable! In addition to diaper changing pads and wipes, it’s important to have a good diaper rash cream on hand too.

My personal favorite is the Desitin Diaper Rash Cream because it is gentle enough for the baby’s skin but also lasts 12 hours when applied liberally after every time the baby pees or poops. There are also some great natural alternatives like coconut oil or organic shea butter that have worked well for my daughter and her sensitive skin too!

For now, I use cloth diapers with disposable inserts which we can then flush down the toilet at daycare once she starts going all day long. But as your child gets older and begins eating solid foods, it becomes harder to control their waste as most babies start refusing their diapers by this point. However, with a cloth or reusable disposables, you can simply wash them off in the sink instead of throwing them away – saving tons of money in the process.


2 – Bottles, Formula, and/or Breastfeeding Supplies

One of the more tedious parts of becoming a new parent is figuring out how and what you’ll feed your child. The first decision for parents to make is whether they want to breastfeed or formula feed.

When choosing between breastfeeding and formula feeding, research shows that breastfeeding has many benefits, like reducing the risk of infections, improving immunity, and lowering the odds of obesity. Formula feeding comes with its own set of pros too: while it requires time and effort each day, it provides a convenience many parents feel is worth the trade-off. 

Regardless of whether you’re exclusively bottle-feeding or tandem nursing your baby, there are plenty of supplies you’ll need on hand as well.


3 – Pacifiers, Teethers, Toys

Pacifiers and teethers are a must-have for any new parent. They can soothe babies’ pain and relieve their pain while preventing boredom, which is always something to be on the lookout for. If you have a child who doesn’t like their pacifier, chances are they’ll like a teether more.

Toys can help the baby learn how to explore its surroundings in the early days of life, but make sure they’re age appropriate! A game your two-year-old might enjoy won’t suit an infant just learning about their new environment. And though it may seem harmless at first, toys that were once loved by a previous sibling or friend may pose a choking hazard. Be mindful when buying toys that they are non-toxic and fit your child’s current developmental stage (crib bedding may need to wait until later). 

As babies grow older, you should focus on toys that will not only teach them different skills as they develop but also encourage healthy habits. Toy cars or planes teach hand-eye coordination as well as problem-solving skills such as following directions or spatial awareness.


4 – Changing Table, High Chair or Stroller

Changing Tables are available in many different styles, colors, and heights. Some come with dressers or drawers while others do not. Before purchasing a changing table, make sure that you know where it will be located so that you can purchase one that suits your needs best. Make sure to take measurements for your changing area and what is the tallest person who will be using the space before making a purchase.

High Chair or Stroller: The type of stroller or high chair needed largely depends on lifestyle factors such as family size, allergies, and other needs. If there are no adults in the home, then having a car seat carrier would suffice as there is no need for an additional stroller. However, if parents have more than one child, they may want to invest in a double stroller or buy two individual ones depending on their budget. There are several brands out there with options like joggers, umbrella style, and some that convert from infant to toddler sizes. Parents should also consider whether they plan on carrying their baby upstairs often when deciding which style of a stroller to buy. 

High chairs typically come in three varieties – those mounted at a tabletop level; those mounted at counter height; and those that stand alone on the floor – and all have pros and cons associated with them. A standalone high chair is easy to move around from room to room but may not always be convenient when trying to feed a baby next to the kitchen stovetop.


5 – Car Seat

Every new parent needs a car seat for their baby. This piece of safety equipment will help protect your little one in the event of an accident. The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) recommends that parents should not leave their child alone in a vehicle, whether it is running or not. So you might be wondering, why have a car seat if I’m not going to use it? Having it ready and available just in case is always better than not having it when you need it most. 

A big difference between using an infant carrier vs. using a car seat is that with an infant carrier, the parent usually carries their child on their chest and arms, which means they can’t see them as well as if they were using a car seat where they can see them clearly from behind and check on them more often. With this additional protection, I recommend every new parent invest in one as soon as possible!


6 – Mobile Phone (if applicable)

Considering this is the first time you are having a baby, it is hard for you to imagine how your life will change with all the responsibilities of taking care of a baby. But what may be the most important thing that will come in handy when caring for your little one? Your cell phone! Here are some examples of times when it can be vital to have your mobile phone on hand. 

1) To keep in touch with friends and family who might need advice on child care or just want an update. Texting friends and family photos of new outfits or milestones like crawling or first steps will help them feel more connected to the joys and fun things that are happening.

2) Take pictures! Lots of parents take hundreds of pictures every day. What better way to document memories than by uploading those photos onto social media sites like Facebook and Instagram? You never know when they’ll get deleted accidentally from your camera roll so make sure you store them in the cloud!

3) If there’s ever an emergency where someone needs immediate medical attention, calling 911 on your mobile phone is easier than trying to find a landline.


7 – Sleep

Sleep deprivation is an unfortunate side effect of having a baby. The good news is that it’s temporary, but the bad news is that it’s likely more difficult than you expected. Here are some tips on how to get your little one to sleep and what you can do in the meantime: 

Nursing mothers may want to consider taking a small dose of Benadryl every night before bedtime. If your child has a stuffy nose or seems congested, you might want to try using the saline nasal spray. Of course, this will depend on whether or not they are allergic to it as well.

You could also use natural remedies like lavender oil (do not use if pregnant) or chamomile tea for relief from insomnia or nightmares due to teething pain or separation anxiety. For babies who have colic, let them cry it out for up to 20 minutes per day before soothing them back into sleep. They’ll eventually stop crying because they’ll feel soothed by their tears!


8 – Nappies

There are many types of nappies out there on the market today that you can choose from. However, all nappies have specific properties, benefits, and disadvantages. Each parent needs to decide what they feel is best for their baby. Some parents prefer the more conventional square-shaped cloth nappies, while others like the ease of disposable nappies. These options are in no way exclusive, a parent may choose different types at different stages in the life of their child. Disposable nappies come in three main varieties:

– Reusable – this option is environmentally friendly as it reduces waste and does not pollute the environment; however, it does take up time with washing, drying, and ironing as well as is costly due to continual purchase; 

– Washable – these can be reused but need time-consuming washing and drying before use again; 

– Disposable – this option offers convenience, and has a low impact on the environment but is expensive considering continual purchases.


9 – Clothes and Coats

Clothes and Coats are an essential part of the baby’s wardrobe. No matter the temperature, you need a few items that will help keep your little one warm and cozy. Start with blankets and wraps for babies less than 6 months old, then move on to sweaters, jackets, hats, gloves, and booties.

Dress the baby in warmer clothes when heading out during the winter or bring them outside for any extended period. Always be mindful of what the weather forecast looks like before making these decisions so you can dress your little one accordingly! You should also have some comfortable shoes on hand to put over the baby’s feet before putting their coat on.


10 – Safety Items

It’s not just what a new baby needs, but it’s also what you’ll need! Check out our handy checklist to find out more about the safety items that every parent needs for their new baby. To start with, remember these must-haves: A rear-facing car seat, a portable crib, and a stroller or carrier (and make sure your car seat is compatible with them). You should also consider getting an infant bathtub, as well as clothes for your baby and bedding for the crib. Other safety items include A fire alarm (even if you have smoke detectors), a fire extinguisher, smoke detector batteries, and window guards (for windows where your child might be able to reach).

Of course, you’ll want to put together a first aid kit and a list of emergency numbers before bringing your baby home from the hospital. Make sure to store this list in a safe place like on your refrigerator so that everyone knows where it is in case of an emergency! 

Another important safety item is having enough bottles and nipples for when your baby starts eating solid foods. We recommend choosing at least three or four bottles of each size so that one can always be in use while the others are being washed or sterilized.



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